Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Today is a new day...

Well this weekend was long and boring but now it's the week! I've been sick all weekend and worked. I pulled 12 hours on Sunday so that was fun!!!! not...But it's a job and if thats what you have to do then thats how it goes...lol. So yeah now it's school time, and almost lunch. okay well I'm done blogging for now so bye much love!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

List a minimum of 10 things that interest you about the career you are researching.

Which ESTJ did you score the highest?Of the careers listed for you, which one are you planning to research?

Now that you have determined a career to research, begin looking for companies/organizations within Garvin County that would provide you employment in this career.

Everybody's Sick!!!

Yep..it's Tuesday. We didn't have school yesterday, but we're back today and EVERYONE has gotten sick including me. Yay, not... lol. I hate days like this because the days just drag by and it makes you so tired. Well I hope everyone feels better than me, much love...steph

Everybody's Sick!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Strength of the preferences %

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Well, today's Valentine's Day...yay! And I'm gonna spend it alone...lol. Oh well, sitting in front of the TV eating ice cream and watching chick flicks sounds AMAZING!!! OR other alternative...go home after practice and soak in my jet tub in a BUBBLE BATH!!! :) That sounds even better...lol. Well, hopefully your Valentine's Day ends up better than mine!! Happy Valentine's Day Everyone...:)

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well today is going by very slowly and I think I'm starting to get sick with this virus thats going around... I have softball practice after school which is really excititing and I'm going to the lumberyard for lunch w/ my partner in crime, Shaunna Rae!! love Steph